Sara Cascone

Sara Cascone

Research Fellow

telephone +39.089.964026


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Academic Curriculum

Sara Cascone graduated, summa cum laude, in Chemical Engineering with a thesis in “Drug microencapsulation in biopolymers by ultrasound assisted atomization” in 2009. From 2009 to 2013 she has been student of doctoral course in Science and Technology for Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Food Industry – Chemical Engineering course, gaining the Ph.D. degree in March 2013, defending a thesis in ”In silico and in vitro models in pharmacokinetic studies”.

Since 2013, she has stipulated, in the Department of Industrial Engineering, post-doc collaboration grants, one of them is still going on, on the research topic concerning the simulation of the gastrointestinal tract behavior. During these collaborations, she has been co-author of papers published in international journals and many publications on international conference proceedings. Her main research activities are the study of all the phenomena involved in the drug release after oral administration; the simulation of the mechanic, biochemistry, and mass transport of the gastrointestinal tract and their influence on drug release from tablets. Moreover, she studies the degradation kinetics (both enzymatic and not) of anesthetics, evaluating the effect of the operative parameters and of the enzymatic concentration on the drug degradation. Finally, she participates in the design and realization of a plant, firstly on a lab scale and then on industrial scale, to produce agricultural fertilizers constituted by chelated iron, after a process optimization. This activity has been in collaboration with an industrial partnership (Fertenia Srl).

Her didactic activities have been several seminars during the courses in “Release and directing of drugs” at the Department of Pharmacy, “Chemical Reactors”, “Chemical Reactors in the Food Industry”, and “Principles in Chemical Engineering” at the Department of Industrial Engineering. Since 2010 she has been part of the examination board in “Chemical Reactors in the Food Industry” and “Principles in Chemical Engineering” in the Chemical Engineering bachelor degree and “Transport Phenomena and Food Processes” in the Food Engineering master degree.


PhD thesis

  • Sara Cascone, In silico and in vitro models in pharmacokinetic studies (thesis extract PDF, full thesis PDF 4.1 MB), Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienza e Tecnologie per l’Industria Chimica, Farmaceutica e Alimentare”, Chemical Engineering (XI Ciclo-Nuova Serie), Supervisors: Prof. Eng. Giuseppe Titomanlio, Prof. Eng. Gaetano Lamberti, Scientific Committee: Prof. Werner Weitschies, Prof. Iztok Grabnar

Master thesis

  • Sara Cascone, Microincapsulazione di farmaci in biopolimeri mediante atomizzazione assistita da ultrasuoni (thesis extract PDF, full thesis PDF 2.0 MB), Master Degree in Chemical Engineering, 20/11/2009, Supervisors: Prof. Eng. Giuseppe Titomanlio, Prof. Eng. Gaetano Lamberti

Bachelor thesis

  • Sara Cascone, Analisi delle cinetiche di idratazione e di rilascio di principi attivi da compresse di idrogeli (thesis extract PDF, full thesis PDF 1.1 MB), Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering, 27/09/2007, Supervisors: Prof. Eng. Giuseppe Titomanlio, Prof. Eng. Gaetano Lamberti (This thesis has been awarded as the best Italian Bachelor thesis in Chemical Engineering in 2007 by AIDIC-GRICU)


64 entries « 1 of 2 »


Piano, Raffaella De; Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Festa, Caterina; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Drug release from hydrogel-based matrix systems partially coated: experiments and modeling Journal Article

In: Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, vol. 61, no. 102146, 2024, ISBN: 17732247.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: drug release, Modeling, Tablets, Theophylline


Piano, Raffaella De; Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Festa, Caterina; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Drug release from hydrogel-based matrix systems partially coated: experiments and modeling Journal Article

In: Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: drug release, Modeling, Tablets, Theophylline

Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano

Hydrogel-based commercial products for biomedical applications: a review Journal Article

In: International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 573, no. 118803, pp. 1-19, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: biomedical applications, commercial products, drug delivery, Hydrogels


Barba, Anna Angela; Bochicchio, Sabrina; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano

Polymeric and lipid-based systems for controlled drug release: an engineering point of view Book Chapter

In: Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai (Ed.): Chapter 10, pp. 267-304, Elsevier, 2019, ISBN: 978-0-12-816505-8.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: characterization techniques, controlled release, lipid nanoparticles, Mathematical modeling, Polymer nanoparticles, production processes


Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Hydrogels: experimental characterization and mathematical modelling of their mechanical and diffusive behaviour Journal Article

In: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 2357-2373, 2018, ISSN: 0306-0012.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling

Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Piazza, Ornella; Abbiati, Roberto Andrea; Manca, Davide

A physiologically-based model to predict individual pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of remifentanil Journal Article

In: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 111, pp. 20-28, 2018, ISSN: 0928-0987.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Modeling, Pharmacokinetics


Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Apicella, Pietro; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

HPMC-Based Granules for Prolonged Release of Phytostrengtheners in Agriculture Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering Communications, vol. 204, no. 12, pp. 1333-1340, 2017, ISSN: 0098-6445.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Granulation, HPMC

Cascone, Sara; Santis, Felice De; Lamberti, Gaetano

Mimicking the contractions of a human stomach and their effect on pharmaceuticals Journal Article

In: Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, vol. 41, pp. 454-461, 2017, ISSN: 1773-2247.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Pharmacokinetics

Cascone, Sara

Modeling and comparison of release profiles: Effect of the dissolution method Journal Article

In: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 106, pp. 352-361, 2017, ISSN: 0928-0987.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: drug release, In silico, In vitro, Pharmacokinetics

Dalmoro, Annalisa; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Encapsulation of Active Molecules in Microparticles Based on Natural Polysaccharides Journal Article

In: Natural Product Communications, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 863-866, 2017, ISSN: 1934-578X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors, microencapsulation, ultrasonic atomization

Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Barba, Anna Angela

Modeling of the behavior of natural polysaccharides hydrogels for bio-pharma applications Journal Article

In: Natural Product Communications, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 867-871, 2017, ISSN: 1934-578X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling, Hydrogels, Mathematical modeling, Modeling

Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Poto, Serena; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Mechanics and transport phenomena in agarose-based hydrogels studied by compression-relaxation tests Journal Article

In: Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 167, pp. 136–144, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling

Barba, Anna Angela; Cascone, Sara; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Chiarappa, Gianluca; Abrami, Michela; Grassi, Gabriele; Grassi, Mario; Tomaiuolo, Giovanna; Guido, Stefano; Brucato, Valerio; Pavia, Francesco Carfì; Ghersi, Giulio; Carrubba, Vincenzo La; Abbiati, Roberto Andrea; Manca, Davide

Engineering approaches in siRNA delivery Journal Article

In: International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 525, no. 2, pp. 343–358, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Dalmoro, Annalisa; Sitenkov, Alexander Y.; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Moustafine, Rouslan I.

Hydrophilic drug encapsulation in shell-core microcarriers by two stage polyelectrolyte complexation method Journal Article

In: International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 518, no. 1-2, pp. 50–58, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Chiarappa, Gianluca; Grassi, Mario; Abrami, Michela; Abbiati, Roberto Andrea; Barba, Anna Angela; Boisen, Anja; Brucato, Valerio; Ghersi, Giulio; Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Caserta, Sergio; Elvassore, Nicola; Giomo, Monica; Guido, Stefano; Lamberti, Gaetano; Larobina, Domenico; Manca, Davide; Marizza, Paolo; Tomaiuolo, Giovanna; Grassi, Gabriele

Chemical Engineering in the “BIO” world Journal Article

In: Current Drug Delivery, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 158 - 178, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags:

Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Larsson, Anette

Drug delivery from hydrogels: a general framework for the release modeling Journal Article

In: Current Drug Delivery, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 179 - 189, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Modeling


Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Marra, Francesco; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; d'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela

Gastrointestinal behavior and ADME phenomena: I. In vitro simulation Journal Article

In: Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, vol. 35, pp. 272-283, 2016, ISSN: 1773-2247.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Biodistribution, In vitro, Pharmacokinetics

Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Cascone, Sara; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Caccavo, Diego

An Engineering Point of View on the Use of the Hydrogels for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications Book Chapter

In: Majee, Sutapa Biswas (Ed.): Emerging Concepts in Analysis and Applications of Hydrogels, Chapter 8, Intech, 2016, ISBN: 978-953-51-2510-5.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling

Piazza, Ornella; Cascone, Sara; Sessa, Linda; Robertis, Edoardo De; Lamberti, Gaetano

The effect of liver esterases and temperature on remifentanil degradation in vitro Journal Article

In: International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 510, no. 1, pp. 359–364, 2016.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: In vitro, Pharmacokinetics

Lamberti, Gaetano; Cascone, Sara; Marra, Francesco; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; D'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela

Gastrointestinal behavior and ADME phenomena: II. in silico simulation Journal Article

In: Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, vol. 35, pp. 165-171, 2016, ISSN: 1773-2247.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: In silico, Pharmacokinetics

Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Larsson, Anette

Swellable Hydrogel-based Systems for Controlled Drug Delivery Book Chapter

In: Sezer, Ali Demir (Ed.): Smart Drug Delivery System, Chapter 10, Intech, 2016, ISBN: 978-953-51-2247-0.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling

Apicella, Pietro; Cascone, Sara; Santis, Felice De; Lamberti, Gaetano

Iron Chelates: Production Processes and Reaction Evolution Analysis Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering Communications, 2016.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Chelating Agents


Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Cascone, Sara; Barba, Anna Angela; Larsson, Anette

Understanding the adhesion phenomena in carbohydrate-hydrogel-based systems: Water up-take, swelling and elastic detachment Journal Article

In: Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 131, pp. 41–49, 2015, ISSN: 01448617.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bio-adhesion, Carbopol, Elastic behavior, Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling, Modeling, Water transport

Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Bochicchio, Sabrina; Lamberti, Gaetano; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Barba, Anna Angela

Hydrogels-based matrices behavior: experimental and modeling description Proceedings Article

In: 42nd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, 2015.

BibTeX | Tags:

Caccavo, Diego; Apicella, Pietro; Cascone, Sara; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Hydrogels-based systems for controlled release in agricultural applications Proceedings Article

In: 42nd Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, 2015.

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization

Bochicchio, Sabrina; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

dsDNA encapsulating in nanoliposomal structures towards gene therapies Proceedings Article

In: 1st International Congress οf Controlled Release Society - Greek Local Chapter, 2015.

BibTeX | Tags:

Dalmoro, Annalisa; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Enteric dosage systems by ultrasonic atomization of natural biopolymers coupled to polyelectrolyte complexation Proceedings Article

In: 1st International Congress οf Controlled Release Society - Greek Local Chapter, 2015.

BibTeX | Tags:

Cascone, Sara; Piazza, Ornella; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Abbiati, Roberto Andrea; Manca, Davide


In: 1st International Congress of Controlled Release Society - Greek Local Chapter, 2015.

BibTeX | Tags: In silico, Pharmacokinetics

Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Hydrogel-Based CRSs Analyses: Testing And Modeling Proceedings Article

In: 1st International Congress of Controlled Release Society - Greek Local Chapter, pp. 1–1, 1st International Congress of Controlled Release Society, Athens (Greece), 2015.

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling

Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Controlled drug release from hydrogel-based matrices: Experiments and modeling. Journal Article

In: International journal of pharmaceutics, vol. 486, no. 1-2, pp. 144–152, 2015, ISSN: 1873-3476.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling, Hydrogels, Modeling, Texture analysis, Transport phenomena, Water uptake

Cascone, Sara; Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano; Marra, Francesco; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Bioaccessibility of active principles: an in-vitro reproduction of human physiology Proceedings Article

In: Proccedings of 4th International Conference on Food Digestion, pp. 1–1, 4th International Conference on Food Digestion, Naples, Italy, 2015.

BibTeX | Tags: In vitro, Pharmacokinetics

Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Modeling the Drug Release from Hydrogel-Based Matrices Journal Article

In: Molecular Pharmaceutics, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 474–483, 2015, ISSN: 1543-8384.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Modeling

Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Amoroso, Maria Chiara; Apicella, Pietro; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Hydrogel-based Granular Phytostrengtheners for Prolonged Release: Production and Characterization Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering Transaction, vol. 44, pp. 235–240, 2015.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Granulation, Hydrogel Characterization, Tecnagri

Cascone, Sara; Apicella, Pietro; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Optimization of Chelates Production Process for Agricultural Administration of Inorganic Micronutrients Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering Transaction, vol. 44, pp. 217–222, 2015.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Chelating Agents, Tecnagri


Caccavo, Diego; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Testing and modelling of hydrogels behavior for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of CHISA 2014, pp. 1–1, CHISA 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014.

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling

Apicella, Pietro; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano

Optimization of chelating agents production process for agricultural administration of inorganic micronutrients Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of CHISA 2014, pp. 3–3, CHISA 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014.

BibTeX | Tags: Chelating Agents

Cascone, Sara; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Barba, Anna Angela

In-vitro models of the gastro-intestinal tract for pharmaceutical and nutritional purposes Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of CHISA 2014/PRES 2014, pp. 2–2, CHISA 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014.

BibTeX | Tags: In vitro, Pharmacokinetics

Cascone, Sara; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; D'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela


In: 13th European Symposium on Controlled Drug Delivery, pp. 3–4, ESCDD 2014, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2014.

BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Modeling

Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Marra, Francesco; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Barba, Anna Angela


In: 13th European Symposium on Controlled Drug Delivery, pp. 1–2, ESCDD 2014, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 2014.

BibTeX | Tags: In vitro, Pharmacokinetics

Cascone, Sara; Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano; Marra, Francesco; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

In-vitro reproduction of human physiology involved in bioaccessibility of drugs and nutrients Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of Conference of Food Engineering (CoFE), pp. 1–2, Conference of Food Engineering (CoFE), Omaha, Nebraska, 2014.

BibTeX | Tags: In vitro, Pharmacokinetics

Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; D'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela

The use of texture analysis for hydrogel water content measurements Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of PBP 2014, pp. 1–2, PBP 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014.

BibTeX | Tags:

Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; D'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela

Measurements of non-uniform water content in hydroxypropyl-methyl-cellulose based matrices via texture analysis Journal Article

In: Carbohydrate Polymers, vol. 103, pp. 348–354, 2014, ISSN: 01448617.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogels, Texture analysis, Water content

Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Simulation of gastrointestinal tract: mechanics and absorption Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of PBP 2014, pp. 3–4, PBP 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014.

BibTeX | Tags: In vitro, Pharmacokinetics


Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Piazza, Ornella

Pharmacokinetics of Remifentanil: a three-compartmental modeling approach Journal Article

In: Translational Medicine @ UniSa, vol. 7, pp. 18–22, 2013, ISSN: 2239-9747.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: In silico, Pharmacokinetics

Lamberti, Gaetano; Cascone, Sara; Cafaro, Maria Margherita; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; D'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela

Measurements of water content in hydroxypropyl-methyl-cellulose based hydrogels via texture analysis. Journal Article

In: Carbohydrate polymers, vol. 92, no. 1, pp. 765–8, 2013, ISSN: 1879-1344.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: HPMC, Hydrogel Characterization, Texture analysis, Water content


Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo

Microencapsulation effectiveness of small active molecules in biopolymer by ultrasonic atomization technique Journal Article

In: Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 1486–1493, 2012, ISSN: 0363-9045.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Lamberti, Gaetano; Cascone, Sara; Iannaccone, Margherita; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

In vitro simulation of drug intestinal absorption. Journal Article

In: International journal of pharmaceutics, vol. 439, no. 1-2, pp. 165–8, 2012, ISSN: 1873-3476.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Controlled drug release, In vitro, Intestinal Absorption, Mass balance, Oral administration, Pharmacokinetics, Theophylline

Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Paolucci, Fabio; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

In vitro and in silico approaches to reproduce pharmacokinetic relevant phenomena Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of 8th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, pp. 1–2, PBP 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.

BibTeX | Tags: In silico, In vitro, Pharmacokinetics

Lamberti, Gaetano; Cascone, Sara; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Barba, Anna Angela

Controlled Release of Drugs From Hydrogel Based Matrices Systems: Experiments and Modeling Journal Article

In: Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 321–330, 2012, ISSN: 0352-9568.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogel Modeling

Lamberti, Gaetano; Cascone, Sara; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

An engineering approach to biomedical sciences: advanced testing methods and pharmacokinetic modeling Journal Article

In: Translational Medicine@ UniSa, vol. 4, pp. 34–38, 2012.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: In silico, in-silico, in-vitro, in-vivo, Pharmacokinetics, testing methods

64 entries « 1 of 2 »