Pietro Apicella
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PhD thesis
- Pietro Apicella, Process innovation in the production of chelates for agricultural uses, PhD thesis in Chemical Engineering, Supervisor: Prof. Ing. Gaetano Lamberti, Scientific Committee: Prof.ssa Lilia Ahrné (SIK, Sweden), Prof. Silvestro Caputo (presidente C.R.A.A.)
Master thesis
- Pietro Apicella, Effects of ultrasound assisted frying on quality characteristics of French fries, Laurea Specialistica in Ingegneria Alimentare, student ID: 620600030, defence date: 25/03/11, supervisor(s): Prof. Ing. Gaetano Lamberti, Prof. Ing. Anna Angela Barba, Prof. Dietrich Knorr, thesis extract, full thesis
Bachelor thesis
- Pietro Apicella, Fenomeni di trasporto nel processo di produzione dei marrons glacés, Laurea in Ingegneria Chimica, student ID: 0610200079, defence date: 22/09/08, supervisor(s): Prof. Ing. Giuseppe Titomanlio, Prof. Ing. Gaetano Lamberti, thesis extract, full thesis
Iron Chelates: Production Processes and Reaction Evolution Analysis Journal Article
In: Chemical Engineering Communications, 2016.
Optimization of Chelates Production Process for Agricultural Administration of Inorganic Micronutrients Journal Article
In: Chemical Engineering Transaction, vol. 44, pp. 217–222, 2015.
Optimization of chelating agents production process for agricultural administration of inorganic micronutrients Proceedings Article
In: Proceedings of CHISA 2014, pp. 3–3, CHISA 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014.