Anna Angela Barba

annaangela150Associate Professor SSD ING-IND 25 (DIFARMA)

telephone  +39.089.969240


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Academic Curriculum

Dr. Anna Angela Barba got her Laurea in Chemical Engineering, summa cum laude, in May 1997, then she gained the Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering in 2002. Starting from 1999 she had a CNR fellowship (one year), a post-doctoral grant (2002-2004) and worked at some research projects as external consultant at the Department of Chemical and Food Engineering, faculty of Engineering, University of Salerno.
In February 2005 she obtained a position as assistant professor in Chemical Plants at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, which she joined in October 2005.
She had, since a.y. 2005/2006, the cathedra of Pharmaceutical Industrial Plants. She also had and has didactic activity in post-degree corse. She is a member of the faculty board of the doctorate of research in Chemical Engineering.
The research activities of dr. Barba, developed mainly at the University of Salerno, are developed in the field of power applications of electromagnetic field to the development of innovative methodologies and equipments for microwave assisted heating. From October 2002 to March 2003 she worked as post-doc research fellow at the Technical University of Eindhoven, TUE (NL) – Department of Electrical Engineering / Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry – where was involved in research activities on pulsed plasma.
Recently, dr. Barba addressed her research activities to the transfer of Chemical Engineering processes and methods to pharmaceutical productions. Her activities, developed in different scientific collaborations and characterized by experimental and modeling actions, are based on the use of electromagnetic energy (microwaves region) in heating intensified processes (cooking, drying, blanching, curing) of vegetal matrices and pharmaceutical ingredients. Non-conventional analytic procedures are also developed to study the dielectric behavior of materials (nanometallic powders, composite, biopolymeric hydrogels).
Dr. Anna Angela Barba was scientific responsible of research projects funded bybudget Ateneo and she was involved and is currently involved in different financed projects.
She is co-authors of many publications: papers on international and national journals, communications to international and national conferences, chapters in books/monographs.


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Caccavo, Diego; Vecchia, Marica Della; Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano

Simil-microfluidic ethanol injection mixer for the continuous synthesis production of liposomes: laminar vs turbulent regime Proceedings Article

In: CHISA - Prague (Czech Republic), 2022.

BibTeX | Tags: Drug Delivery Systems, Micro and Nano Vectors


Barba, Anna Angela; Bochicchio, Sabrina; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Lamberti, Gaetano

Lipid Delivery Systems for Nucleic-Acid-Based-Drugs: From Production to Clinical Applications Journal Article

In: Pharmaceutics, vol. 11, no. 360, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: clinical trials, liposomes, Micro and Nano Vectors, NABDs, siRNA

Dalmoro, Annalisa; Bochicchio, Sabrina; Lamberti, Gaetano; Bertoncin, Paolo; Janssens, Barbara; Barba, Anna Angela

Micronutrients encapsulation in enhanced nanoliposomal carriers by a novel preparative technology Journal Article

In: RSC Advances, vol. 9, pp. 19800-19812, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Drug Delivery Systems, Micro and Nano Vectors


Bochicchio, Sabrina; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Bertoncin, Paolo; Lamberti, Gaetano; Moustafine, Rouslan I.; Barba, Anna Angela

Design and production of hybrid nanoparticles with polymeric-lipid shell–core structures: conventional and next-generation approaches Journal Article

In: RSC Advances, vol. 8, pp. 34614–34624, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Dalmoro, Annalisa; Bochicchio, Sabrina; Nasibullin, Shamil F.; Bertoncin, Paolo; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Moustafine, Rouslan I.

Polymer-lipid hybrid nanoparticles as enhanced indomethacin delivery systems Journal Article

In: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 121, pp. 16-28, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors


Dalmoro, Annalisa; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela

Encapsulation of Active Molecules in Microparticles Based on Natural Polysaccharides Journal Article

In: Natural Product Communications, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 863-866, 2017, ISSN: 1934-578X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors, microencapsulation, ultrasonic atomization

Barba, Anna Angela; Cascone, Sara; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Chiarappa, Gianluca; Abrami, Michela; Grassi, Gabriele; Grassi, Mario; Tomaiuolo, Giovanna; Guido, Stefano; Brucato, Valerio; Pavia, Francesco Carfì; Ghersi, Giulio; Carrubba, Vincenzo La; Abbiati, Roberto Andrea; Manca, Davide

Engineering approaches in siRNA delivery Journal Article

In: International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 525, no. 2, pp. 343–358, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Bochicchio, Sabrina; Dapas, Barbara; Russo, Ilaria; Ciacci, Carolina; Piazza, Ornella; Smedt, Stefan De; Pottie, Eline; Barba, Anna Angela; Grassi, Gabriele

In vitro and ex vivo delivery of tailored siRNA-nanoliposomes for E2F1 silencing as a potential therapy for colorectal cancer Journal Article

In: International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 525, no. 2, pp. 377–387, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Dalmoro, Annalisa; Sitenkov, Alexander Y.; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Moustafine, Rouslan I.

Hydrophilic drug encapsulation in shell-core microcarriers by two stage polyelectrolyte complexation method Journal Article

In: International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 518, no. 1-2, pp. 50–58, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Barba, Anna Angela; Grassi, Gabriele; Grassi, Mario; Lamberti, Gaetano

New Trends in Gene Therapy: Multidisciplinary Approaches to siRNAs Controlled Delivery Journal Article

In: Current Drug Delivery, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 156-157, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Bochicchio, Sabrina; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Lamberti, Gaetano

New preparative approaches for micro and nano drug delivery carriers Journal Article

In: Current Drug Delivery, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 203 - 215, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors


Bochicchio, Sabrina; Barba, Anna Angela; Grassi, Gabriele; Lamberti, Gaetano

Vitamin delivery: Carriers based on nanoliposomes produced via ultrasonic irradiation Journal Article

In: LWT - Food Science and Technology, vol. 69, pp. 9-16, 2016.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Dalmoro, Annalisa; Sitenkov, Alexander Y.; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Moustafine, Rouslan I.

Ultrasonic atomization and polyelectrolyte complexation to produce gastroresistant shell–core microparticles Journal Article

In: Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 133, no. 42976, 2016.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors


Cavallaro, Gennara; Craparo, Emanuela Fabiola; Sardo, Carla; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Dalmoro, Annalisa

PHEA-PLA biocompatible nanoparticles by technique of solvent evaporation from multiple emulsions. Journal Article

In: International journal of pharmaceutics, vol. 495, no. 2, pp. 719-727, 2015, ISSN: 1873-3476.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Biopolymer, Micro and Nano Vectors, multiple emulsions, nanoparticles, solvent evaporation

Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano; Sardo, Carla; Dapas, Barbara; Abrami, Michela; Grassi, Mario; Farra, Rossella; Tonon, F; Forte, Giancarlo; Musiani, F; Licciardi, M; Pozzato, G; Zanconati, F; Scaggiante, Bruna; Grassi, Gabriele; Cavallaro, Gennara

Novel Lipid and Polymeric Materials As Delivery Systems for Nucleic Acid Based Drugs. Journal Article

In: Current drug metabolism, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 427-452, 2015, ISSN: 1389-2002.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Biopolymer, Drug Delivery Systems, liposome, Micro and Nano Vectors, nucleic acid based drugs

Barba, Anna Angela; Dalmoro, Annalisa; D'Amore, Matteo; Lamberti, Gaetano

Liposoluble vitamin encapsulation in shell–core microparticles produced by ultrasonic atomization and microwave stabilization Journal Article

In: LWT - Food Science and Technology, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 149–156, 2015, ISSN: 00236438.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: drug delivery, Micro and Nano Vectors, Microwave drying, Shell{–}core microparticles, Ultrasonic energy, Vitamins


Dalmoro, Annalisa; Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Lamberti, Gaetano

Single-Pot Semicontinuous Bench Scale Apparatus To Produce Microparticles Journal Article

In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 2771–2780, 2014, ISSN: 0888-5885.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Bochicchio, Sabrina; Dalmoro, Annalisa; Barba, Anna Angela; Grassi, Gabriele; Lamberti, Gaetano

Liposomes as siRNA Delivery Vectors Journal Article

In: Current drug metabolism, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 882–892, 2014, ISSN: 1389-2002.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Drug Delivery Systems, liposome, Micro and Nano Vectors, siRNA

Barba, Anna Angela; Dalmoro, Annalisa; D'Amore, Matteo; Vascello, Clara; Lamberti, Gaetano

Biocompatible nano-micro-particles by solvent evaporation from multiple emulsions technique Journal Article

In: Journal of Materials Science, vol. 49, no. 14, pp. 5160–5170, 2014, ISSN: 0022-2461.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Barba, Anna Angela; Bochicchio, Sabrina; Lamberti, Gaetano; Dalmoro, Annalisa

Ultrasonic energy in liposome production: process modelling and size calculation Journal Article

In: Soft Matter, vol. 10, no. 15, pp. 2574, 2014, ISSN: 1744-683X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors


Barba, Anna Angela; Dalmoro, Annalisa; D'Amore, Matteo; Lamberti, Gaetano

In vitro dissolution of pH sensitive microparticles for colon-specific drug delivery Journal Article

In: Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1399–1406, 2013, ISSN: 1083-7450.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Dalmoro, Annalisa; Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo

Analysis of Size Correlations for Microdroplets Produced by Ultrasonic Atomization Journal Article

In: The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2013, pp. 1–7, 2013, ISSN: 1537-744X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Grassi, Gabriele; Scaggiante, B; Dapas, B; Farra, R; Tonon, F; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela; Fiorentino, S; Fiotti, N; Zanconati, F; Abrami, Michela; Grassi, Mario

Therapeutic Potential of Nucleic Acid-Based Drugs in Coronary Hyper- Proliferative Vascular Diseases Journal Article

In: Current Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 20, no. 28, pp. 3515–3538, 2013, ISSN: 09298673.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Dalmoro, Annalisa; D'Amore, Matteo; Barba, Anna Angela

Droplet size prediction in the production of drug delivery microsystems by ultrasonic atomization. Journal Article

In: Translational medicine @ UniSa, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 6–11, 2013, ISSN: 2239-9747.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: dimensionless, Micro and Nano Vectors, microparticles size prediction, numbers in atomization, ultrasonic atomization


Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo

Microencapsulation effectiveness of small active molecules in biopolymer by ultrasonic atomization technique Journal Article

In: Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 1486–1493, 2012, ISSN: 0363-9045.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Dalmoro, Annalisa; Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano; Grassi, Mario; D'Amore, Matteo

Pharmaceutical applications of biocompatible polymer blends containing sodium alginate Journal Article

In: Advances in Polymer Technology, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 219–230, 2012, ISSN: 07306679.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Alginate gel film, Alginate shell{–}core particles, Biocompatibility, Crosslinking, Hydrogel Characterization, Hydrogels, Micro and Nano Vectors

Dalmoro, Annalisa; Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano; D'Amore, Matteo

Intensifying the microencapsulation process: Ultrasonic atomization as an innovative approach Journal Article

In: European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 471–477, 2012, ISSN: 09396411.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Atomization assisted by ultrasonic energy, Micro and Nano Vectors, microencapsulation, Microparticles production, Process intensification

Barba, Anna Angela; Dalmoro, Annalisa; D'Amore, Matteo; Lamberti, Gaetano

Controlled Release of Drugs from Microparticles Produced by Ultrasonic Assisted Atomization Based on Biocompatible Polymers Journal Article

In: Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 345–353, 2012, ISSN: 0352-9568.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors

Barba, Anna Angela; Dalmoro, Annalisa; D'Amore, Matteo

An engineering approach to biomedical sciences: advanced strategies in drug delivery systems production Journal Article

In: Translational Medicine@ UniSa, vol. 4, pp. 5–11, 2012.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors, microwave heating, Process intensification, ultrasonic atomization


Dalmoro, Annalisa; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe; Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo

Enteric Micro-Particles for Targeted Oral Drug Delivery Journal Article

In: AAPS PharmSciTech, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1500–1507, 2010, ISSN: 1530-9932.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: coating, drug targeting, emulsion, Micro and Nano Vectors, microencapsulation, polymeric drug delivery systems

Dalmoro, Annalisa; Villano, Oriana; Barba, Anna Angela; Lamberti, Gaetano

Dosare dove serve Journal Article

In: NCF-Notiziario Chimico Farmaceutico, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 112–114, 2010, ISSN: 0393-3733.

BibTeX | Tags: Micro and Nano Vectors


Barba, Anna Angela; D'Amore, Matteo; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano; Titomanlio, Giuseppe

Intensification of biopolymeric microparticles production by ultrasonic assisted atomization Journal Article

In: Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 1477–1483, 2009, ISSN: 02552701.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Biopolymer, Intensified ultrasonic atomization, Micro and Nano Vectors, Microparticles