Agenti chelanti – I chelati di ferro
Il ferro è uno dei più importanti microelementi necessari alla vita ed allo sviluppo delle piante in quanto interviene nella formazione della clorofilla e partecipa, come catalizzatore, in diverse reazioni metaboliche. La biodisponibilità del ferro è legata allo stato di ossidazione e ad una serie di fattori che ne favoriscono o ne impediscono la disponibilità nel terreno (pH, tipologia di terreno, dilavamento, presenza di microelementi antagonisti, etc.). La carenza di ferro provoca una grave e diffusa malattia denominata clorosi ferrica, che intacca la crescita delle piante e riduce le rese dei raccolti.
Diverse terapie sono state sviluppare per la cura della clorosi ferrica ma la più efficace è risultata la fertilizzazione con agenti chelanti sintetici, macromolecole organiche che permettono la stabilizzazione e il rilascio prolungato dello ione metallico e ne garantiscono la necessaria biodisponibilità nel terreno.
Tra gli agenti chelanti autorizzati dai regolamenti Europei, il più utilizzato per la complessazione del ferro è l’EDDHA ed in particolare la sua forma isomerica orto,orto che garantisce il più alto livello di stabilità dello ione.
Considerando i volumi produttivi dell’EDDHA e i processi di sintesi datati anni ’70, lo studio e la ricerca di processi innovativi ed ottimizzati è pertanto necessaria per garantire una produzione più sostenibile ed economica. Il GruppoTPP lavora a questa ricerca in collaborazione con l’azienda Fertenia Srl, e maggiori informazioni si possono trovare qui.
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Le linee di ricerca
Il gruppoTPP affronta lo studio del processo produttivo dell’EDDHA analizzando le problematiche che influenzano le rese di reazione e le caratteristiche qualitative del prodotto, in modo da poter innovare ed ottimizzare i processi esistenti nella direzione della riduzione dell’utilizzo di prodotti ad alto tasso di pericolosità e di inquinamento e della riduzione dei costi. Le nostre attività sono riassumibili in:
Valutazione dei processi di sintesi
- Analisi della cinetica di reazione
- Analisi delle rese di reazione
- Analisi delle frazioni di ferro chelato e di ferro solubile presenti nei prodotti della sintesi
- Valutazione dell’efficacia terapeutica del prodotto ottenuto
Progettazione di impianti industriali
Pubblicazioni relative:
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Apicella, Pietro; Cascone, Sara; Santis, Felice De; Lamberti, Gaetano
Iron Chelates: Production Processes and Reaction Evolution Analysis Journal Article
In: Chemical Engineering Communications, 2016.
title = {Iron Chelates: Production Processes and Reaction Evolution Analysis},
author = {Pietro Apicella and Sara Cascone and Felice De Santis and Gaetano Lamberti },
url = {},
doi = {10.1080/00986445.2015.1114476},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-16},
journal = {Chemical Engineering Communications},
abstract = {Nowadays, fertilization using synthetic chelates is the most common technique to solve the iron chlorosis, a disease which affects the plants growth. The ethylenediamine-N,N’-bis(o-hydroxyphenyl) acetic acid (EDDHA) is among the most efficient iron chelating agents. To produce EDDHA, a reaction has been performed using as reactants: phenol, ethylenediamine, glyoxylic acid, and sodium hydroxide. To study the reaction kinetics, samples have been withdrawn from the reactor during the reaction and the kinetics has been quantified, evaluating the yield evolution during the reaction phase. This study has been useful to optimize the reaction time. Then, a catalyst has been added to the reaction mixture, to analyze its effect on the reaction evolution. Comparing the reaction evolution of the non-catalyzed and the catalyzed reaction protocols, two main results have to be highlighted: the time to reach the final yield is lower than the one proposed in literature and the used catalyst has a minimum effect on the reaction rate.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Nowadays, fertilization using synthetic chelates is the most common technique to solve the iron chlorosis, a disease which affects the plants growth. The ethylenediamine-N,N’-bis(o-hydroxyphenyl) acetic acid (EDDHA) is among the most efficient iron chelating agents. To produce EDDHA, a reaction has been performed using as reactants: phenol, ethylenediamine, glyoxylic acid, and sodium hydroxide. To study the reaction kinetics, samples have been withdrawn from the reactor during the reaction and the kinetics has been quantified, evaluating the yield evolution during the reaction phase. This study has been useful to optimize the reaction time. Then, a catalyst has been added to the reaction mixture, to analyze its effect on the reaction evolution. Comparing the reaction evolution of the non-catalyzed and the catalyzed reaction protocols, two main results have to be highlighted: the time to reach the final yield is lower than the one proposed in literature and the used catalyst has a minimum effect on the reaction rate.
Cascone, Sara; Apicella, Pietro; Caccavo, Diego; Lamberti, Gaetano; Barba, Anna Angela
Optimization of Chelates Production Process for Agricultural Administration of Inorganic Micronutrients Journal Article
In: Chemical Engineering Transaction, vol. 44, pp. 217–222, 2015.
title = {Optimization of Chelates Production Process for Agricultural Administration of Inorganic Micronutrients},
author = { Sara Cascone and Pietro Apicella and Diego Caccavo and Gaetano Lamberti and Anna Angela Barba},
url = {},
doi = {10.3303/CET1544037},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
journal = {Chemical Engineering Transaction},
volume = {44},
pages = {217--222},
abstract = {The iron chlorosis is one of the most diffused plant disease, which affects their growth and reduces the yield of harvests. This disease is caused by the iron deficiency and it is highlighted by the progressive yellowing of plants due to the reduction of chlorophyll production. The most efficient and diffused therapy against the iron chlorosis is the use of chelating agents and, among them, the o,o-EDDHA/Fe3+, the most stable isomer of EDDHA, is the most used due to its capacity to guarantee a prolonged treatment. The aim of this work is to develop a production process environment friendly, based on the recovering and recycling of organic solvents to minimize the waste produced. The feed organic solvents ratio has been varied evaluating the synthesis yield and the percentage of o,o-EDDHA/Fe3+ produced to identify the best feeding conditions. Several products have been then tested on lettuce plants to determine their usability.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
The iron chlorosis is one of the most diffused plant disease, which affects their growth and reduces the yield of harvests. This disease is caused by the iron deficiency and it is highlighted by the progressive yellowing of plants due to the reduction of chlorophyll production. The most efficient and diffused therapy against the iron chlorosis is the use of chelating agents and, among them, the o,o-EDDHA/Fe3+, the most stable isomer of EDDHA, is the most used due to its capacity to guarantee a prolonged treatment. The aim of this work is to develop a production process environment friendly, based on the recovering and recycling of organic solvents to minimize the waste produced. The feed organic solvents ratio has been varied evaluating the synthesis yield and the percentage of o,o-EDDHA/Fe3+ produced to identify the best feeding conditions. Several products have been then tested on lettuce plants to determine their usability.
Apicella, Pietro; Cascone, Sara; Lamberti, Gaetano
Optimization of chelating agents production process for agricultural administration of inorganic micronutrients Proceedings Article
In: Proceedings of CHISA 2014, pp. 3–3, CHISA 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014.
title = {Optimization of chelating agents production process for agricultural administration of inorganic micronutrients},
author = { Pietro Apicella and Sara Cascone and Gaetano Lamberti},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-08-01},
booktitle = {Proceedings of CHISA 2014},
pages = {3--3},
publisher = {CHISA 2014},
address = {Prague, Czech Republic},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}